Latest exhibition for 2023 - Details coming soon - Injustice
Friday 7th June 2019 - Sunday 18 August 2019
Zzzzz: Sleep, Somnambulism, Madness
546 Dean Street, Albury NSW 2640
02 6043 5800
Where: Paul Ramsay Galleries, MAMA.
Price: FREE
Zzzzz: Sleep, Somnambulism, Madness assembles and commissions works by a selection of contemporary Australian and international artists that explore the realm of sleep and its representation in art.
From the grand foyer entry to the main gallery upstairs, visitors will see installations, video work, drawing, painting, and sculpture that explore ideas of the subconscious, delirium and altered states; that examine the way the sleeping figure is represented in contemporary art; and that questions the impact of work and economic pressures on relaxation.
Zzzzz is presented in a theatrical and immersive environment, as if one is walking into a series of darkened bedrooms, yet no one appears to be asleep.
Rather than view sleep as a moment of fatigue, weakness or vulnerability, this collection of works reflects upon the relationship between our physical being, and our mental processes, consciousness and subconscious. At times serene and tender, and at others deeply disturbing, this exhibition casts a lens on how artists attempt to make sense of the process of dreaming, its mysteries, its potentialities, and its vital function in helping us form memories and make sense of the world.
Artists include:
Chicks on Speed (Australia/Spain)
Lee Hadwin (UK)
Mabel Juli (Australia)
Barbora Kleinhamplová & Tereza Stejskalová (Czech Republic)
Kate Mitchell (Australia)
Erica Spitzer Rasmussen (USA)
The Telepathy Project (Australia)
Javier Tellez (Venezuela/USA)
Opening night : Friday 5th October, 6pm - 8pm
At Gertrude Contemporary
Exhibition Dates: 5th October - 3rd November 2018
Melbourne Arts festival - Australia
Zzzzz: Sleep, Somnambulism, Madness assembles and commissions works by a selection of Australian and international artists to explore the representation of the sleeping figure within contemporary art, and how artists attempt to explore ideas of the subconscious, delirium and altered states. Other works within the exhibition explore the politics of sleep in our rapidly evolving times to consider the impacts of work and economic pressures upon relaxation. At times serene and tender, and at others deeply disturbing, the exhibition considers what transpires during our sleeping life as a means to reflect upon the relationship between our physical being and mental processes, consciousness and subconscious.
Depictions of sleeping figures have featured heavily in the history of Western painting and sculpture, often rendered to suggest beauty, vulnerability, sexuality or fatigue. This project departs from such passive representation to cast a lens on how artists attempt to make sense of the process of dreaming, its mysteries and potentialities as a critically vital, and little-understood function helping us to make sense of the world and in the formation and suppression of memory.
Participating artists: Lee Hadwin (UK); Chicks on Speed (Australia/Spain, USA, Germany); Mabel Juli (Australia); Barbora Kleinhamplová & Tereza Stejskalová (Czech Republic); Kate Mitchell (Australia); Erica Spitzer Rasmussen (USA); The Telepathy Project (Australia); and Javier Tellez (Venezuela/USA).
Curated by Mark Feary
16th January 2015 - 5th February 2015
September 28th 2014 - October 27th 2014
Lee Launches his new exhibition in HONG KONG
Exhibition - Hong Kong
睡梦鬼才艺术家Lee Hadwin「 梦游毕加索」 首度越洋登陆香港展示矌世画作 全港独一无二以超过6,000个LED灯创作的「光树云影」 伴随逾30件国际名师设计的精致家具 展现时尚寝室新灵感 HomeSquare为「全港最大一站式家居主题商场」,汇聚世界各地多样化的灯饰及寝室品牌,致力提供国际级且设计独特的灯饰及尊贵寝具予一众追求时尚生活及品味优闲生活的人士。由2014年9月27日至10月26日,HomeSquare呈献「光说梦话 – 睡‧访灯饰寝具展」,率先邀请了独一无二、被艺术界冠以「梦游毕加索」称号的英澳籍艺术家Lee Hadwin 远度亲临到港,首次与大家一同体验「梦游艺术」的非凡才华。同场加映「寝室密语」辑录专区及阅赏区 ,分别细听及阅读逾百位港人及名人的寝室秘密。 此外,HomeSquare更带来全港独一无二、由超过6,000个LED灯创作而成的「光树云影」,以及逾30件由国际着名的灯饰及寝具设计师创作的精致家具,瞬间为您家居寝室注入流行时尚新灵感,缔造优质睡眠质素。
「 梦游毕加索」Lee Hadwin 惊世画作首次驻港 相信每人都有自己独特的「寝室密语」(Bedding Secret),HomeSquare特别邀请了被艺术界冠以「梦游毕加索」称号的英澳籍 梦游画家Lee Hadwin ,为大家带来12幅首次踏足亚洲来港展出的矌世画作。 鬼才画家Lee Hadwin的创作手法层出不穷,是次展出的作品都能展现出他多变的风格。当中的作品「Awakening」,完美地表达出画家在梦中绘画时,不经意地透露出他内心对时间、自然和宇宙的关系;而他勾画的「Success」画像更充分展现Hadwin高超出众的艺术才华,细腻非凡的创作手艺,揭示梦游作画的鬼斧神工。此外,「Continuity」不但展露出他多变的绘画手法,更被认定为其画作中价值最高(£20,000)的作品。此外,Lee Hadwin特意为HomeSquare创作了一幅色彩丰富、名为「Beach」的画作,亦将首次于HomeSquare绝密登场。
Lee Hadwin拥有非凡的艺术才华,自4岁开始梦游作画,在睡梦中开始了他的绘画生涯,创作出超过200幅素描肖像、人物和风景等画作。Hadwin梦游时会在墙壁、书桌、衣服、旧报纸上,用钢笔、蜡笔、水彩、炭笔等颜料作画。多年来不断的练习,令他的画功亦更细致,令人留下深刻印象。至今,世界各地的画廊和电视节目都对Hadwin这个令人费解的才华深表好奇。 「寝室密语」辑录专区及阅赏区︰逾百位港人及名人的「寝室密语」大揭秘
HomeSquare现场更设有「寝室密语」辑录专区及阅赏区,搜罗逾百位港人及本地名人的寝室秘密。 当中包括着名插画师邓卓越 Dorophy Tang、资深香港填词人、创作单位《黑纸》创办人及专栏作家林日曦、香港电影界着名的青年女编剧、专栏小说作家杜致朗、香港独立剧团「好戏量」首席女演员赖恩慈,以及知名主持人林子博与儿子林卓楠,让大家细听他们别开生面的寝室密语。
超过6,000颗灯泡「光树云影」 为家空间注入温暖 光影舞动的变化能为空间增添生命力、精湛的光影运用让家居温暖的感觉进一步提升,令空间艺术气息满载。全港独一无二、由超过6,000个LED灯组合而成,高约4米、阔约3米的巨型「光树云影」将于HomeSquare首度曝光。外型壮丽宏伟设计独特,向上仰望仿如一棵茂盛的大树,从外观赏则像一抹散发亮光的云彩,给人温暖的感觉,缔造一个浪漫温馨的时刻。 此外,场内亦展示逾30件由国际着名灯饰及寝具设计师创作的家具产品,当中的灯饰包括︰由美国着名的儿童读物插画家Tim Coffe设计的树脂海胆底座台灯、曾在第四届深圳国际家居饰品展展出的三轮车台灯,及由意大利着名Murano玻璃艺术制成的Bloom 吊灯等。同场亦将会展示最新款的纽西兰进口系列床褥、甜梦® 沃尔柔软承托床褥,及尊贵系列皇亭型号床褥等,为大家启发家居寝室设计的美学智慧。
免费换领限量版「Make my page 时光之旅」创意枱灯 同时,HomeSquare更举行「光说梦话 – 睡‧访灯饰寝具展」消费推广活动,于2014年9月27日至10月26期间,顾客只须于推广期内亲临HomeSquare,凭电子货币 (信用卡、易办事或八达通) 于两间或以上指定的不同商舖累积消费满港币$4,800 (每张收据必须超过港币$500),即可免费换领限量版「Make my page 时光之旅」创意枱灯乙份(价值: 港币$680),而消费满港币$3,800 (每张收据必须超过港币$500),更可有机会换领名贵灯饰或床上用品,当中礼品包括︰爱皇健高承托太空枕(价值: 港币$990)、床上被连豆豆咕臣(价值: 港币$1,280) 、 LED气氛灯(价值︰港币$1,399)及其他丰富礼品 (合共385份)。礼品数量有限,先到先得,换完即止。
April 14th 2014
Lees work will be on show in conjunction with Incandescent Artists at London Bridge for a period of 4 weeks.
March 14th 2013
LeeHadwin – UK Press March 14th, 2013
Film Festival Aspires To Put ABQ on the Map
by Kelly Williams, DPW West Mar 14 2013 A SLEEP artist is looking for a Welsh business to sponsor him as he takes on America.
Lee Hadwin from Henllan near Denbigh is preparing to share his extraordinary talent for the first time on US soil at Festival Experience in June.
He’s among many talented artists to be lined up by Albuquerque Film & Media Experience and will be representing the UK.
The 38-year-old has been described by the art world and Edinburgh Sleep Clinic as “unique’ for his ability to draw intricate portraits, figures and landscapes in his sleep.
Lee will be performing exclusively at the festival in a 45-minute show in New Mexico on June 8 with hopes to turn it into a full production alongside world-renowned pianist Joshua James Field.
Lee said: “To be invited to AFME this year is such an honour for me. I am thrilled that the city of Albuquerque will be hosting this truly amazing event, being USA’s second largest city for arts.
“I can’t think of a better place to appear and perform in front of a live audience. I know this will truly be a spectacular festival.”
Lainie Quirk and Ivan Wiener, co-founders of the AFME said: “We are very excited to have Lee Hawdin and Joshua James Field here, representing the UK and the art/music mediums.
“Lee is an extraordinary artist with such a different art form. To hear of sleepwalkers is one thing, to learn of Lee’s gift is another.”
Anyone wishing to sponsor Lee is urged to contact him via his contact page.
Please see promo video below:
June 15th 2012
Lee launches his UK exhibition "VISIONS" at Barclay's Premier Bank in Piccadilly Circus in London's West End.
Lee’s works will be on show at the Barclays premier lounge in Piccadilly Circus for a period of 6 weeks - This is a first for Barclays.
October 29th 2011
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London hosts pop-up exhibition of artwork by sleep walking artist
This summer,Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London opens its first ever pop-up exhibition – a series of works by British ‘sleep walking artist’, Lee Hadwin.
Opening on 16 August 2013 with a special appearance by the artist himself, visitors to London’s most bizarre attraction can enjoy a mini exhibition showcasing 13 pieces of art that Lee has created whilst in a state of sleep. Open until 29 September, a series of drawings and paintings as well as videos of Lee creating the pieces and explaining his art will be on display in the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London theatre.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London is home to more than 700 wonderfully weird artefacts from across the globe and celebrates all that is unusual or just plain bizarre. Lee Hadwin has been described by the Edinburgh Sleep Clinic and the Art World as truly ‘unique’, he has been studied by doctors and scientists both in the UK and overseas but his nocturnal artistic activities are a still mystery. With no artistic training. Lee has been producing pieces of artwork in his sleep since the age of four. He is unable to produce such pieces whilst awake but his skills whilst asleep have developed over the years to become more detailed and demand for his pieces from art galleries and exhibitions across the globe continues to grow.
Lee Hadwin, sleep walking artist, explains:
“The Ripley’s Believe It or Not! brand is such a good fit for my pieces. I’m excited to have a pop-up exhibition somewhere that celebrates all that is different and I hope that the visitors will enjoy my unusual talent and the pieces I’ve created.”
Visitors can meet Lee Hadwin when he opens the pop up exhibition on Friday 16 August at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London. He will be signing prints from 12pm-4pm.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! London is open seven days a week, 365 days a year from 10am until midnight (last admission 10.30pm). Tickets to this world of wonders situated in the heart of London's West End are £26.95 per adult and £21.95 per child. Family tickets are £87.95 based on two adults and two children. Purchase your tickets online in advance and save 15%. For full pricing options please